Immodesty is a trait I don’t usually care to exhibit. I ask that you, please, forgive it in this time and this place.

I wrote a script that compelled Bruce Springsteen to appear in the only ad he’ll ever do.

I created a campaign that got a regional healthcare provider named one of the most effective brands in the world.

I’ve led teams to work that fills their shelves with trophies.

I’ve led pitches that fill the rosters and coffers of every agency at which I’ve worked.

I take pride in being courageous, I’m not done learning, and I genuinely love what I do.

I believe in being a good competitor and a good teammate.

I believe in being demanding and generous in equal parts.

I want to solve the real problem.

I want to instigate real results.

I have no problem looking at myself in the mirror or sleeping at night.

And I want to do business and be in business with people who can say the same.


Thanks for giving me your time and best of luck.